New Year, New Blog

Friday 2 January 2015

Happy New Year!! I hope everyone had a great 2014, and finished it off with a fun-filled Christmas!
I personally love New Year! Some people see it as ‘same shit different year’ but those ‘glass half full’ people like myself see it as a fresh start and an encouragement to set ourselves goals of what we wish to achieve in the year of 2015!
As a child I loved setting New Year’s resolutions, they would always be along the lines of ‘save more pocket money’ or ‘go to drama class every week without fail’.  I’m still saving money now, and haven’t got a job in the West End so you can probably guess those resolutions didn’t stick around for very long!
Now I’m older and wiser (slightly wiser) I realised that New Year’s resolutions just aren’t worth it. I know so many people that say they are going to lose weight or give up smoking every single year and before February’s out they’re stood outside the local Chinese, cigarette in hand!
I personally like to set my self goals for the year, nothing with too much pressure, but things that I wish to achieve and that will motivate me. There’s no better feeling than being able to tick something off your list and know you’ve achieved something you set out to!
This year my lists slightly bigger:
·         Work towards a healthy body and mind! This one is quite an important one for me! I personally love exercising and eating healthy but getting in to a routine can prove to be a little difficult!
·         Raise money for charities! I’ve already signed up for a 10K for the mental health charity Mind! I want to push myself out of my comfort zone to raise money for charities closest to my heart! (This one will also help with my previous goal of fitness!)
·         Learn Spanish! I can already speak the basics, but I’ve been in touch with a local tutor and hope to learn as much as possible.
·         Travel! This year I hope to save money and work towards making some travel plans. There’s so many places to see and why not now!?
·         Appreciate life! This one’s getting a little deep but sometimes I get wrapped up in my own worries and anxiety that I forget to remember how grateful I should be. I have fantastic family and friends and the world at my feet. I just need to remind myself sometimes.
So there you have my goals, typed out in front of you! No backing out now! I wish everyone a year filled with health and happiness! Don’t forget to push yourself out of your comfort zone and try to achieve something you never thought you could! We’re more capable than we give ourselves credit for!

PS. WELCOME TO MY BLOG!! I’ve wanted to do this for months and finally have jumped out of my comfort zone and took the plunge! You can expect all things featuring on this blog from what I get up to, my beauty and fashion favourites and of course my journey trying to achieve all the goals listed above!
New Year, New Blog!

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