Lost your mojo?

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Wow, we’re nearly a quarter of the way through the year already! The year is flying by and, huge sigh of relief, summer will soon be on its way!
I wanted to write this post because I have been absent from the blog for quite some weeks. During this time I’ve had my fair share of bad news and allowed my anxiety to get the better of me! Causing me to cut myself off from people, stop doing the things I love and just generally lose my way a little. I think most of us go through patches like this and each time you just have to give yourself a kick up the backside and get back on track. Trust me, I know it’s not quite that easy!

I’ve recently taken some time out to focus on myself. For me, having the time to reflect has been so important and I’ve realised a lot about myself and things that I need to remember when I need that little boost. So why not share it with the online world? If my little bits of advice on leading a happy lifestyle can help even one person then this post will be more than worth it!
1)      Don’t be a people pleaser
This is one I have found extremely difficult to get my head around. Throughout my teenage years and even more recently I’d constantly find myself in places or situations I didn’t want to be in for the sake of a friend. I’m not saying we should be selfish and never do favours- but just think about what YOU want to do. For example; when I’m going through a rough patch or feeling anxious the last place I want to be is out in a busy club all night, drinking until 3am- but when your friends are nagging that your ‘boring' or 'a let down’ it’s pretty easy to just cave in and go.  Learn to say no!  Life is far too short to do things you’re uncomfortable with or generally don’t want to do for the sake of other people and if that person is a true friend, they will understand!

2)      Pen and paper
This is something I learnt from my sister. She once told me ‘any problem in life can be made easier by sitting down with a pen and some paper’. I have to admit I thought she was having a laugh but I gave it a go and to my surprise it actually helped. You can literally write anything from goals that you want to achieve, lists of things you’re grateful of or even just how you’re feeling. It’s a perfect outlet and really does make a difference.

3)      Have fun!
When things are looking grey, it can become really easy to just hide away in bed and let each day roll in to one. It’s ok to have lazy days but don’t get stuck in the routine. Make plans with people, go to your favourite restaurants, go shopping for the day, bake, go to the gym, just do absolutely anything that YOU enjoy...This one may sound like common sense but we sometimes need reminding that life is what we make it!


4)      Pamper yourself happy
This may come across slightly vein but when I need a pick me up there’s nothing better than a good pamper session! Whether it’s a candle-lit bath, a manicure or even just doing my make-up and wearing an outfit that makes me feel good. Personally, when I’ve got a big bun on my head with jog bottoms on- I just don’t feel as confident in myself. Surprising, isn’t it?

5)      Look back, aim forward.
Last but not least this is one of my favourites when I’m trying to get back to my positive self. I love just sitting down and looking through photographs of some amazing memories like family holidays and things I got up to with friends last summer. This not only reminds me how lucky I am to have great people in my life, but it also motivates me to make plans for the year. It gives me something to aim towards and be excited about!

Hopefully those 5 little points will help to remind you of ways you can stay positive. One of the most important things that I can say is don’t beat yourself up! Everyone struggles with things at some point in their life, it’s about taking care of yourself and getting through it.

Writing is something that has always been a passion of mine and is also a great outlet. So you can expect to see this blog fill up regular posts from now on with fitness, fashion, food, travel- basically everything that I fill my life with. Everything that makes me happy!

That’s what life’s about right?